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Surface Propellers

In this page you can find all our range of propellers. If you need more information on a specific installation, fill out and submit our datasheet for propellers with your boat’s data.

Propellers Datasheet

What you should know about Class “S” propellers
In August 1981 the international ISO have made a clear definition of propeller tolerances for propeller diameter from 0.8m to 2.5m. Thee following rules have been determined.

The pitch tolerances

Pitch location Class
S 1 2
Local Pitch +/- 1.5% +/- 2% +/- 3%
With a minimum of 10 mm 15 mm 20 mm

Tolerances on edges radius
From 1.5 mm for the class to S 2.5 mm for the class 3

Tolerances on section thickness
Not more than 0.5 mm for class S
Not more than 3 mm for class 3

Tolerances on angle comparing each blade
Not more than 1° for class S and 1
Not more than 2° for class 2 and 3

Advantages of the class s
The comparsion between a class 2 and a class S made in the cavitation tunnel of Val de Reuil has showed an efficiency of 63% for class 2 when the same class S showed an efficiency of 71%. Other advantages such noise reduction or vibrations are the major advantages of the class S.

4 Blades Propellers

5 Blades Propellers

6 Blades Propellers

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